Rayon Cuisine et recettes
100 recipes from the time of Louis XIV : yesterday's recipes updated for today's tastes

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 77 pages
Poids : 370 g
Dimensions : 21cm X 30cm
ISBN : 978-2-911665-98-1
EAN : 9782911665981

100 recipes from the time of Louis XIV

yesterday's recipes updated for today's tastes

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Broché 77 pages
traduit par Regan Kramer
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Quatrième de couverture

100 Recipes from the Time of Louis XIV

100 recipes from the « Grand Century », 100 recipes from the table of the Sun King... 400 years later, you can taste dishes that are at the root of French cuisine today.

The dishes selected, some of them well known, others more unusual, were chosen so that you can enjoy preparing, serving and eating them. They have all been carefully tested : proportions, cooking methods and times have been adapted to 21 st-century kitchens.

Contemporary products have remplaced impossible-to-find ingredients.

With this book, rediscover history and treat your guests to a taste of Versailles !


Anne de Bergh is an editor, and co-author of the book. Un siècle en marche, sur l'histoire du XXe siècle, and other history books.

Joyce Briand created a French caterer in New York.
They have each edited many cookbook collections.

Avis des lecteurs

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