Rayon Addictions
Addiction : from darkness to light, itineraries of four addicts : David Delapalme, Gérard Chevalier, Anna and Antoine

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 166 pages
Poids : 220 g
Dimensions : 14cm X 23cm
ISBN : 978-2-35061-124-2
EAN : 9782350611242


from darkness to light, itineraries of four addicts
David Delapalme, Gérard Chevalier, Anna and Antoine

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Broché 166 pages
foreword David Delapalme, Christophe Bagot
afterword Anthony Macgregor King
translation by Jai Pillai
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Quatrième de couverture

This book is a story of rebirth : four addicts, three men. and one woman, who learn how to live without drugs and alcohol, one day at a time.

In order to escape addiction, they chose an American therapeutic method, the Minnesota Model. A method based on mutual aid that has been used for decades around the world with great success.

However, the method has yet to gain acceptance and become widespread in France, where the medical world has been unable to solve the problem of addiction.

Today, these four former addicts have become therapists, specialising in the field of addiction. Their goal : care for those who are suffering through the same ordeal that they had. Who better than an addict to help another addict overcome the evils of alcohol, prescription and illicit drugs, an behavioural addictions (work, gambling, screens, sport, food, sex), and get back on the path of life.

It is a powerful message of hope about a journey too often littered with failure, relapse, doubts and sometimes even suicidal thoughts. A metamorphosis founded upon spirituality, like a rite of passage, during which we learn the strength and determination of these men and women who all had believed they were doomed forever but who managed to rebuilt their lives, one day at a time.


David Delapalme, was born in December 1948. His Father French and Mother American. Brought up between France and the USA, he worked as a merchant banker for 20 odd years. During that time, while moving around between NY, London and Paris he developed an addiction to alcohol and benzodiazepines. An acute addiction lasting 20 years which will bring him to the gate of death. Since then, he has remained totally clean and sober. He has become a psychotherapist specializing in addiction issues and uses the Minnesota Model which saved his life.

Gérard Chevalier born in Paris in 1948. After 36 years of recovery from substance addiction and a career in the movie industry, he became a bilingual psychotherapist based in London. With David Delapalme he co-founded Chevalier Delapalme Counselling specializing in the treatment of addictions with over 30 year's experience in the field. They both obtained a PostGraduate Diploma in Psychotherapy based on the Attachment Theory in London. Taking from their own bi-cultural experiences and backgrounds, they have integrated the most recent methods coming from the other side of the Atlantic and the Channel in the treatment of addictive disorders.

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