Rayon Patrimoine architectural
Amiens cathedral : Somme

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 32 pages
Poids : 200 g
Dimensions : 11cm X 23cm
ISBN : 978-2-906340-55-8
EAN : 9782906340558

Amiens cathedral


Collection(s) | Itinéraires du patrimoine
Paru le
Broché 32 pages
text Jean-Charles Cappronnier, Pierre-Marie Pontroué
translation Jennifer Mcwha
photography Laurent Jumel, Thierry Lefébure, Pierre-Yves Brest et al.
graphics Stéphane Gonet
Tout public

Quatrième de couverture

Amiens Cathedral is the largest cathedral in France and, with the exception of Beauvais, the highest. It was built exceptionally quickly ; the fabric was completed in a mere 70 years, from 1220 to 1290. This masterpiece of Gothic art, skilfully mastered architectonic techniques - the systematic use of flying buttresses and tripartite elevation - culminates in the achievement of an accomplished style, particularly in its portal statuary. Situated in the heart of a city which was plagued by bombardments in 1940, the cathedral, nevertheless, managed to maintain a great deal of its ancient environment : to the north, the episcopal palace, and the 18th-century canonical area to the south. Not only has the cathedral preserved some of the major pieces of 13th and 14th-century stained-glass, but it managed to majestically combine its decor with its furnishings. These date from the 16th-century (choir screen) to the 19th-century (decoration of the apse chapels by Viollet-le-Duc).

Thus, while touring the cathedral, the visitor encounters a veritable decorative anthology.

Avis des lecteurs

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