Rayon Philosophie, histoire et enseignement
Archimedes' modern works

Fiche technique

Format : Cartonné
Nb de pages : 220 pages
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 25cm
ISBN : 978-2-9521458-7-9
EAN : 9782952145879

Archimedes' modern works

Collection(s) | Real life mathematics
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Cartonné 220 pages

Quatrième de couverture

Archimedes died more than 2 200 years ago. Most people think that, even if he is considered to be one of the greatest geniuses of all time, everything he did, no matter how clever he was, has been long ago incorporated by modern science, and that he belongs to the past.

But this is not true at all, as we will clearly demonstrate. Two main ideas, namely what we call « Archimedes Maps » and what he called himself « the Method », lead to completely new approaches to modern day scientific and social problems, with far more powerful tools than the ones which were later produced by other means.

Archimedes Maps are the key to many of our modern concerns : optimal allocation of resources, monitoring and surveillance. Lost for more than 2 000 years, the « Weighing Method » provides - when correctly understood - extremely efficient tools in various areas of mathematics and physics : probability theory, optics, systems of polynomial equations, nondestructive testing, and many others.

This book borrows very little from modern mathematics, but tries to indicate what they would be if Archimedes had lived longer.


Satan is in charge and Archimedes drives the show ! Bernard Beauzamy is a French mathematician, born 1949. He has been University Professor, 1979-1995. He established SCM SA in 1995, a company which does mathematical models. He has been chairman and CEO of this company since then.

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