Rayon Architecture selon les périodes ou les styles
Architecture paradoxale : Fabre-Speller architectes. Paradoxal architecture

Fiche technique

Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 256 pages
Poids : 595 g
Dimensions : 21cm X 27cm
ISBN : 978-2-87143-207-4
EAN : 9782871432074

Architecture paradoxale

Fabre-Speller architectes

Paru le
Relié 256 pages
texte Xavier Fabre, Vincent Speller
interview Dominique Machabert
Tout public

Quatrième de couverture

Architecture is paradoxical ; it always refuses to fit into the slot assigned to it. Made to serve, it offers always more than its simple use.

Over the past twenty years, the architects Fabre & Speller have developed an innovative approach to architecture that flies in the face of contemporary exhibitionism.

It is an architecture that follows in the wake of the poetic rationalism and theoretical questioning instigated by Aldo Rossi, with whom they designed the art centre in Vassivière.

This book, associating the main buildings they have designed with their reflections on architecture, reveals a project approach based on typological imagination, discretion, the aesthetics of distancing and the importance of the poetic power of the setting.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Xavier Fabre

Du même auteur : Dominique Machabert

Celui qui n'écrivait pas

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