Rayon Selon les pays et les peuples
Outsider art of Canada

Fiche technique

Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 189 pages
Poids : 926 g
Dimensions : 23cm X 29cm
ISBN : 979-12-5460-037-5
EAN : 9791254600375

Outsider art of Canada

Collection(s) | Art brut
Paru le
Relié 189 pages

Quatrième de couverture

What else can art be like ?

« Outsider art » is the name given to the idiosyncratic work of self-taught creators who are driven to use their own invented visual language to bring forth images from their imaginations. It is outside the continuum of arthistory, outside the boundaries of art recognized by established art institutions, and outside the collective discourse of the mainstream art world. This book examines the underlying biases, ideologies, and social factors that inform the various approaches to outsider art, including myths surrounding mental illness, movements toward social inclusion, and movements away from the marginalizing effect of labels. Most importantly, Outsider Art of Canada explores how we think about art and who is entitled to call themselves an artist. In this survey dedicated to outsider art in Canada, the first of its kind, the artists introduced have much to tell us about their need to create, unapologetically and without regard to public opinion.


Linda Rainaldi has explored outsider art for many years, both academically and personally, while working as a writer and editor in the legal field. She holds degrees in psychology, law, and art education, and has published articles in various outsider art journals. She lives in Vancouver, Canada.

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Du même auteur : Linda Rainaldi

Art brut du Canada