Livres en français

De Sarah Hermanson Meister

21 résultats

One and One Is Four : The Bauhaus Photocollages of Josef Albers

Tom Arndt : reflets d'Amérique

Photographies américaines

Frances Benjamin Johnston : The Hampton Album

Nicholas Nixon The Brown Sisters Forty Years

Grete Stern and Horacio Coppola : From Bauhaus to Buenos Aires

Picturing New York Photographs from the Museum of Modern Art

Arbus / Friedlander / Winogrand New Documents, 1967

Dorothea Lange Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California

The Shape of Things : Photographs from the Robert B. Menschel Collection

Luigi Ghirri Cardboard Landscapes (Paesaggi di cartone)

Bill Brandt : ombre et lumière

Bill Brandt Shadow and Light

Tom Arndt : American reflections

Life of the City

Michel Wesely Open Shutter

Rudy Burckhardt An Afternoon In Astoria

Bill Brandt : Shadow and Light

Dorothea Lange Words + Pictures