Autistic spectrum disorders

Fiche technique

Format : Cartonné
Nb de pages : VI-218 pages
Poids : 610 g
Dimensions : 18cm X 25cm
Date de parution :
EAN : 9782742005901

Autistic spectrum disorders

chez John Libbey Eurotext

Collection(s) : Mariani Foundation paediatric neurology series

Paru le | Cartonné VI-218 pages


61.00 Indisponible

Quatrième de couverture

Autism is a complex disorder of neurodevelopment resulting in pervasive abnormalities in social interaction and communication, repetitive behaviours and restricted interests. It presents difficult challenges to physicians and other professionals, educators, and especially to the parents and families of affected individuals.

The aim of this volume is to provide an update on this multi-faceted condition, and to review most of its major features, in particular its biology, genetics, and current understanding of its brain basis. The book emphasizes the importance of early detection, and spells out appropriate steps for clinical diagnosis and investigations such as neuropsychology, electrophysiology, and imaging. Of particular interest are chapters that focus on differential diagnosis, advances in neurogenetics and molecular biology, possible consequences of immunizations, and the relation between autism and epilepsy.

A variety of treatment options are presented from the perspectives of practitioners of several disciplines, including a number of current educational approaches. This provides the opportunity to compare them and decide which best fits the needs of differently affected persons. The choice of potential pharmacologic agents to consider is enhanced by a review of the brain neurotransmitters they are designed to influence.

Quality of life for the affected individuals and their families must be the focus when planning comprehensive interventions. Needs span infancy to adulthood and change with maturation. The voice of parents provides a welcome perspective on their requirements and recommendations for improvement in current practices.