Rayon Gestion des entreprises
B to B branding : creating synergies in the value chain

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 206 pages
Poids : 365 g
Dimensions : 17cm X 24cm
ISBN : 978-2-8041-8463-6
EAN : 9782804184636

B to B branding

creating synergies in the value chain

Paru le
Broché 206 pages
prefaces by Gore-Tex, Lafarge, Legrand et al.
with the collaboration of Cécile Janet, Laura Roth, Camille Fechner et al.

Quatrième de couverture

BtoC brands have already reached a maturity stage while BtoB brands remain in a fast-growing stage, both in terms of marketing & brand manager positions and in terms of allocated budgets for brand promotion.

Consequently, one of the main goals of this book is to provide companies, schools and universities support to better promote their brands. Without a brand strategy, companies stay invisible in the value chain: no name, no gain! From then on, they have to create value through a fitted professional branding policy.

There are two ways to create value: the first one comes directly from the selling of products/services made under the brand promoted; the second one comes from the new value of brand funds. By integrating the latest practices and research results, this academic-rooted book meant for functional purposes defines new strategic paths aiming at managing the BtoB brand policy depending on the final target. For the first time, a synthetic and clearly BtoB oriented approach offers useful and practical perspectives meant for brand management:

  • BtoB: the target is the client organization and it is impossible to precisely identify the individual beneficiaries
  • BtoBtoC: the brand addresses the end-consumers of the final products (manufactured by the client organization). This approach is characterized by the strong prescription role of the client company's marketing department and can lead to a vertical co-branding (or in-branding).
  • BtoBtoE: the final customers of the brand are the employees of the public or private client organization. The goods and services are sold to the latter but are meant for the company's employees use. In this approach the Human Resources department can have a prescription role.
  • BtoAtoU: The brand does not target a consumer but a user (sometimes called road-user in public transportations). Lobbying techniques are particularly effective in this case.

Aside from functional recommendations, this book contains many examples illustrating these diverse BtoB approaches. It provides useful practical tools to teachers and university/business and management school/engineering school students who wish to master brand policy in the BtoB context.


Philippe Malaval graduated from Toulouse Business School, Doctor in management and habilitated to supervise research, is Professor of marketing, in charge of several Master Programmes and MBAs or DBAs. He is also teaching in Engineering Schools. Experienced from the Industrial field, he founded and manages Business Conseil. Specialised in BtoB marketing, he is the author or co-author of several books from Strategy and Management of Industrial brands (published in Usa), BtoB brands and Aerospace Marketing Management with Christophe Bénaroya (published in Usa, Italy, China). He is also the author of Pentacom with Jean-Marc Décaudin.

Christophe Bénaroya graduated from Toulouse Business School, Doctor in Management is Professor of Marketing, after several years in the corporate field. He is in charge of the Marketing Management and Communication Master, and the B2B Programme. Consultant for several industrial companies, he is notably the co-author with Philippe Malaval of Aerospace Marketing Management and BtoB Brands, and the co-author of Sales Efficiency in BtoB.

Avis des lecteurs

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