Rayon Commerce, gestion, comptabilité
Business to business marketing : from industrial to business marketing

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : XVI-495 pages
Poids : 972 g
Dimensions : 19cm X 24cm
ISBN : 978-2-8041-8267-0
EAN : 9782804182670

Business to business marketing

from industrial to business marketing

Paru le
Broché XVI-495 pages
with the contribution of Jacques Digout et Gabriel Szapiro

Quatrième de couverture

"Business to Business Marketing" is the reference handbook for years in the French speaking countries. It encompasses the diverse BtoB contexts and combines the most recent academic research to the best business practices. Hence it is an operational guide to better adapt the marketing techniques and tools to professional targets. Written by experts, Business to Business Marketing provides all the steps of the Marketing Approach in an exhaustive and operational way:

  • The "surveys marketing" (market watch, innovation management, segmentation)
  • The "strategy marketing" (positioning, marketing plan and strategic matrices)
  • The "operational marketing" dealing with the elaboration of the offering (innovative product/service, pricing, sales management), and its valorization (communication, lobbying, networking).

Moreover this book is enhancing the increasing role played by the final user in the BtoB value chain. Beside the direct customer organization, three other target types are to be taken into account.

  • The employees of the customer organization - B to B to Employee (BtoBtoE)
  • The consumers of the customer organization - B to B to Consumer (BtoBtoC)
  • The users of the customer organization (energy, transportation utilities, administration...) - B to Administration to User (BtoAtoU).

In the business context, customers and diverse stakeholders as well might be targeted, especially in project marketing environment, and complex selling processes, both in terms of relational and transactional activities. Additionally, the recent trends in e-communication are developed, including the use of Internet and Social Medias.

Pedagogically oriented, the book is user-friendly, based on numerous examples and business cases, from different sectors and companies (IT, telecom, building industry, aeronautics, catering, car equipment, consultancy, etc.). It presents a lot of visual illustrations. Each chapter encompasses questions and a dedicated business case, delivering an efficient and attractive handbook.


Philippe Malaval graduated from Toulouse Business School, Doctor in management and habilitated to supervise research, is Professor of marketing, in charge of several Master Programmes and MBAs or DBAs. He is also teaching in Engineering Schools. Experienced from the Industrial field, he founded and manages Business Conseil. Specialised in BtoB marketing, he is the author or co-author of several books from Strategy and Management of Industrial brands (published in Usa), BtoB brands and Aerospace Marketing Management with Christophe Bénaroya (published in Usa, Italy, China). He is also the author of Pentacom with Jean-Marc Décaudin.

Christophe Bénaroya graduated from Toulouse Business School, Doctor in Management is Professor of Marketing, after several years in the corporate field. He is in charge of the Marketing Management and Communication Master, and the B2B Programme. Consultant for several industrial companies, he is notably the co-author with Philippe Malaval of Aerospace Marketing Management and BtoB Brands, and the co-author of Sales Efficiency in BtoB.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Philippe Malaval

Marketing aéronautique et spatial : constructeurs, équipementiers, compagni

Marketing business to business : marketing industriel et d'affaires, B to B

Marketing business to business : du marketing industriel au marketing d'aff

Marques B to B

B to B branding : creating synergies in the value chain

Pentacom : communication corporate, interne, financière, marketing b-to-c e

Pentacom : communication : théorie et pratique

Pentacom : communication corporate, interne, financière, marketing B-to-C e

Pentacom : communication, marketing B-to-C et B-to-B, corporate, digitale e

Du même auteur : Christophe Bénaroya

Marketing business to business : marketing industriel et d'affaires, B to B

L'efficience commerciale en B to B : marketing et vente pour les PME-PMI en

Marketing business to business : du marketing industriel au marketing d'aff

Marques B to B

B to B branding : creating synergies in the value chain

Marketing business to business : marketing industriel et d'affaires, B to B

Marketing business to business : marketing industriel et d'affaires, BtoBto