Rayon Agronomie et agriculture
Cap and the regions : building a multidisciplinary framework for the analysis of the EU agricultural space

Fiche technique

Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 228 pages
Poids : 570 g
Dimensions : 17cm X 25cm
EAN : 9782738007155

Cap and the regions

building a multidisciplinary framework for the analysis of the EU agricultural space


Collection(s) | Science update
Paru le
Relié 228 pages

Quatrième de couverture


National and EU policies need to take into, account the extreme diversity of the agricultural sector from region to region. ln addition policy makers now have to deal not only with the productive functions of agriculturé but also the sectors contribution to, economic development and the management of natural resources. To help decision making in this complex situation, there is a need to analyse in depth the processes leading to spatial diversity in the structure and dynamics of agriculture in the EU and to build appropriate tools for this analysis.

This book marks a step in this direction. lt brings together the research work of a group of scientists from diverse backgrounds (agronomy, ecology, economics, geography, political science, soil science) who shared these concerns. To have a common framework of analysis, a multidisciplinary regionalised database (AGRIREG) has been built. The various components of this database, which integrates several European databases (regional socio-economic data, farm structures, agricultural subsidies, soil capability), are described, and the potentialities and limits of applying it to the empirical analysis of regional agricultural adjustment patterns and processes, within the EU are discussed.



lan Bowler is Reader in Human Geography in the Department of Geography at the University of Leicester and Chair of the International Geographical Union's Commission on "the Sustainability of Rural Systems". His current research work is concerned with sustainable rural land use systems in the EU, and a recent book is : Bowler, I.R., Bryant, C.R. and Nellis, M.D. (eds) 1992 Contemporary Rural Systems in Transition. CAB International, Wallingford.

Catherine Laurent is a Doctor in Economic Sciences and Veterinary Sciences. She is a researcher in the Agrarian Systems and Development Department (SAD) of the French Institute ; of Agricultural Research. Her current research is focussed on the dynamics of structures in agriculture. She is involved in the follow-up of several multidisciplinary research programmes.

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