Rayon Asie orientale
China's lost decade : cultural politics and poetics, 1978-1990 : in place of history

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 396 pages
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 15cm X 21cm
ISBN : 978-2-917969-02-1
EAN : 9782917969021

China's lost decade

cultural politics and poetics, 1978-1990
in place of history

Paru le
Broché 396 pages

Quatrième de couverture

China's Lost Decade Cultural Politics and Poetics 1978-1990

The period in China's recent history between the death of Mao and the débâcle of 1989 can be seen as a long decade, but also historically as a « lost » decade. It is « lost » in the sense that the political engagement of intellectuals and makers of culture has been occulted by officiai history-telling ; it is also « lost » in that its memory has been abandoned even by many who lived through it ; « lost » also in the embarrassed silence of those who prefer to focus on the subsequent economie miracle of the 1990s that gave rise to today's more prosperous China ; and « lost » as a time of opportunity for cultural and political change that ultimately did not happen.

Calling on over thirty years of acquaintance with China including five years spent studying the cultural scene in Beijing during the 1980s, the author hère traces the imbrication of culture, politics and history of a decade when everything seemed possible.


Born in 1955, Gregory B. Lee was educated in London and Peking. He has taught at the universities of Cambridge, London, Chicago and Hong Kong, and is currently Professor of Chinese and Transcultural Studies at Jean Moulin University-University of Lyon, France. He is the author of Dai Wangshu : The Life and Poetry of a Chinese Modernist ; Troubadours, Trumpeters, Troubled Makers : Lyricism, Nationalism and Hybridity in China and Its Others ; and Chinas Unlimited : Making the Imaginaries of China and Chineseness.

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