Rayon Poésie

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 129 pages
Poids : 200 g
Dimensions : 13cm X 20cm
ISBN : 978-2-84924-492-0
EAN : 9782849244920


Collection(s) | The swan song
Paru le
Broché 129 pages

Quatrième de couverture


In Codify, Irene Koronas' seminal, post-language collection, « cochineal bugs » wait for their « theologic vigils » in a carved minimalism, which will prompt the gifted among us to replace their internal organs with algorithms. The poems in Codify are scalpels arranged by the nodules of some posthuman gematria. 6, 13, 22, 16, 8, for example, suggests a lottery or the fibonacci code as seen by a midget with a monocle travelling the Einstein-Rosen Bridge on a unicycle. Koronas is a dead serious parodist, « hope or no hope / secretes a virgin, » but she's also writing wisdom literature like a posthuman Ecclesiastes. « She doesn't / stand God, » and « snort praises / a fatal cross, » bear witness to the future of poetry, beyond confession and retweeds. Codify is invention.
- Daniel Y. Harris, author of The Rapture of Eddy Daemon and Editor-in-Chief, X-Peri

I am amazed by Irene Koronas' profoundly moving sculpting of language. Some of this writing is so visceral that it left me gasping.
- Jonathan Lyons, author of The White Noise Album and Co-founder, Cicatrix Publications


Irene Koronas is the author of 7 collections of poetry and collaborative writing, including heshe egregore (with Daniel Y. Harris, Edition du Cygne, 2016) Turtle Grass (Muddy River Books, 2014), Emily Dickinson (Propaganda Press, 2010) and Self Portrait Drawn From Many (Ibbetson Street Press, 2007).
Some of her poetry, experimental writing and visual arts have been published in Clarion, Counterexample Poetics, Divine Dirt, E ratio, experiential-experimental-literature, Lynx, Lummox, Of\with, Pop Art, Posey, Right Hand Pointing, Presa, The Seventh Quarry Magazine, Spreadhead, Stride and Unblog. She has exhibited her visual art at the Tokyo Art Museum Japan, the Henri IV Gallery, the Ponce Art Gallery, the Gallery at Bentley College and the M & M Gallery. She is the Managing Editor of X-Peri, http://x-peri.blogspot.com/

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Irene Koronas

Heshe egregore