Rayon Cuisine et recettes
Cooking with Soufflenheim pottery

Fiche technique

Format : Cartonné
Nb de pages : 91 pages
Poids : 357 g
Dimensions : 20cm X 20cm
ISBN : 978-2-7372-0343-5
EAN : 9782737203435

Cooking with Soufflenheim pottery

Paru le
Cartonné 91 pages
photographs and style design Claudia Albisser-Hund, Jean-Luc Syren, Valérie Walter
translated by Susan Brown
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Quatrième de couverture

Hailing from fire and earth, the culinary potteries from Soufflenheim built their reputation a long time ago.

Emperor Frédéric Barberousse granted the potters from Soufflenheim and all their male descendants the privilege of extracting from neighbouring forests the clay and firewood necessary for their art.

The potters' imagination did the rest. Today, there exists a vast array of potteries designed for cooking, from the classic Baeckeoffe terrine to the must-have Kougelhopf or Lammala moulds, as well as plates, dishes, bowls... enough to please the most demanding Cordon Bleu chefs.

Avis des lecteurs

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