Rayon Philosophie et théorie, enseignement
Cycnos, n° 26-1. Peter Greenaway

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 186 pages
Poids : 305 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 24cm
ISBN : 978-2-296-12690-9
EAN : 9782296126909

Peter Greenaway

Série | Cycnos
Paru le
Broché 186 pages

Quatrième de couverture

Peter Greenaway

Michel Remy
University of Nice
Peter Greenaway, the Arch Defenestrator, a preface

Peter Greenaway
A double lecture (a verbatim transcription by Geneviève Chevallier and Nadia Fuchs)

Michel Remy
University of Nice
From the Secret of Bodies to the Secret Body : Peter Greenaway's crypts. A reading of The Draughtsman's Contract

Raphaëlle Costa de Beauregard
University of Toulouse II - Le Mirail
Perception and Affect in Peter Greenaway's Z.0.0.

Anne Combarnous
University of Pau
Peter Greenaway's 1985 A Zed and Two Noughts (Z&00) : an Allegory of Photography ?

Zeenat Saleh
University of Franche Comté
Peter Greenaway's cinema : the quintessential paradox of British Art Cinema outside Britain

Lawrence Gasquet
University of Bordeaux III
« Miles and miles and miles of painted darkness » : Peter Greenaway and the intelligibility of representation

Terence Blake
Univershy of Nice
Brainfalls : the Power of The Falls

Fabien Maheu
University of Paris 7 & 8
Cinema, painting and digital technology : Peter Greenaway's hybrid images

Patrick Louguet
University of Paris 8
Travelling as strolling about and other modes of introducing movement in Prospero's Books

Peter Greenaway

Avis des lecteurs