Rayon Autres religions
Daily meditations : 2012

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 10cm X 16cm
ISBN : 978-2-8184-0006-7
EAN : 9782818400067

Daily meditations


Collection(s) | Daily meditations
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Quatrième de couverture

13 August : Spirituality does not restrict itself to so-called spiritual exercises - meditation or prayer, for example. Actually, any day-to-day activity can be made spiritual if we know how to introduce a divine element. And conversely, if prayer, meditation or any other so-called spiritual activity is not enlivened and sustained by a sublime idea, a higher ideal, it too can become extremely prosaic.

Spirituality does not consist in neglecting or scorning the material world but in always striving to act with the light and for the light. Spirituality is about knowing how to use any activity - even the most ordinary, the most prosaic - to elevate ourselves, bring ourselves into harmony and connect with the divine world.


The distinguished philosopher and spiritual Master, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov came to France in 1937. Although his work deals with many aspects of initiatic science, he makes it clear that: 'Each one of us must undertake his own self-development, but only if his goal is not solely for himself, but for the good of the collectivity. Then, the collectivity becomes a brotherhood. A brotherhood is a collectivity where true unity reigns, because by working on himself, each individual is also consciously working for the good of the whole.'

Avis des lecteurs

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