Livres en français

Chez Wakefield Press

87 résultats

Boris Vian Vercoquin and the Plankton

Remedios Varo On Homo rodans and Other Writings

Marcel Schwob The King in the Golden Mask

Paul Nougé The Subversion of Images

Jean-Pierre Martinet The High Life

Philippe Soupault The Voyage of Horace Pirouelle

Marcel Brion Waystations of the Deep Night

Jean Ferry The Conductor and Other Tales

Francis Ponge The Table

Jean Lahougue Vacated Landscape

Marcel Schwob The Book of Monelle

Gabrielle Wittkop Exemplary Departures

Georges Rodenbach Bruges-la-Morte

Erich Mühsam Psychology of the Rich Aunt

Leonor Fini Rogomelec

Joris-Karl Huysmans A Dilemma

René Daumal Pataphysical Essays

Pierre Reverdy The Thief of Talant