Evaluating the impact of arts and cultural education : a european and international research symposium : january, 10-12, 2007

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 494 pages
Poids : 648 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 24cm
Date de parution :
ISBN : 978-2-11-007157-6
EAN : 9782110071576

Evaluating the impact of arts and cultural education

a european and international research symposium
january, 10-12, 2007

chez La Documentation française

Paru le | Broché 494 pages


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préface Emmanuel Fraisse

Quatrième de couverture

In January 2007, on the initiative of the French Ministries of Education and Culture, the Centre Pompidou organized a research symposium on evaluating the impact of arts and cultural education. This is the report of those three days, during which some fifty researchers from Europe and around the world met to compare their work, take stock of the progress that has been made and establish an overview of the ongoing research.

A number of arguments are regularly put forward to support a greater role for arts and cultural education in schools. It is said to promote cognitive development and academic achievement ; the acquisition of certain social skills and personality traits such as creativity, initiative or enterprise ; the establishment of individual cultural identity and openness to other cultures ; and to reduce the disparity in achievement between advantaged and disadvantaged children - all these reflect the variety of objectives assigned to arts and cultural education and the diversity of the cultural contexts in which it is provided.

Drawing on developmental psychology, sociology, educational theory and cognitive science, ten round-table discussions offered an in-depth examination of such questions as : What can be evaluated and how ? - What are the effects of arts and cultural education on cross-cutting skills and artistic and cultural practices ? - Do the different arts (visual arts, music, dance, theatre and drama) have different specific effects ? - What is the impact of partnerships between teachers and artists and other cultural professionals ?

Thus the proceedings of the symposium contribute to a better understanding of the effects of the various educational approaches that put art at the heart of the learning process.