Fiche technique
Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 199 pages
Poids : 1200 g
Dimensions : 22cm X 31cm
ISBN : 978-2-914729-69-7
EAN : 9782914729697
Geosciences serving society
understanding the future
Quatrième de couverture
This book has been published to mark the International Year of Planet Earth and the centenary of the foundation of the Nancy School of Geology (ENSG). In 9 chapters, it examines a variety of subjects relating to mineral and energy commodities, water resources, civil engineering and land-use planning, including pollution and natural risks.
The different chapters look at the current state of knowledge in applied geosciences and consider, from a scientific, human, technical and economic viewpoint, the crucial issue of how society is to face up to the major challenges of the 21st century. How can we meet demand for energy commodities and other natural resources found in the geosphere ? How can we make the best use of natural areas and ensure the safety of the structures we construct ? The answers to these burning issues lie in technical and scientific advances, newly-acquired knowledge, the development of observation methods and the use of new instruments derived from physics, chemistry, mathematics and modelling. Geosciences' role is vital and has to be harnessed in the best way possible to ensure that we make a reasoned use of our natural heritage to provide a brighter future for all the men and women on our planet.
The Nancy School of Geology
In 2008, the ENSG , the Nancy School of Geology, is celebrating its centenary year. The school was founded in 1908 as the Nancy Institute of Applied Geology, at the behest of the regional manufacturing and mining industries. In 1948, its name changed to the National School of Applied Geology and Mineral Exploration (ENSGAPM).
The school has always enjoyed close ties with industry and its teaching curriculum and research programme cover the main areas in Geosciences : water resources, mineral and energy commodities, geotechnical and civil engineering.
The ENSG is the only Grande Ecole of its kind and 100 new engineers graduate from its programme every year, a number set to increase. ENSG graduates are to be found working both in France and throughout, the world.
2008 : International Year of Planet Earth
The International Year of Planet Earth is a joint initiative of the International Union of Geological Sciences and UNESCOµ and was proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The Years features a broad-based Science programme and actions aimed at increasing public awareness of the importance of sustainable development of Earth processes and resources. The centenary of the ENSG ties in with the International Year of Planet Earth.