Rayon Poésie
History and its making : the making of history

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 118 pages
Poids : 108 g
Dimensions : 12cm X 19cm
ISBN : 979-10-240-0833-2
EAN : 9791024008332

History and its making

the making of history

Collection(s) | Jusqu'à = To
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Broché 118 pages
postface Christophe Lamiot

Quatrième de couverture

History and Its Making/The Making of History may be read as some sort of ars poetica. Ross's ars poetica. Well, one's own developing one's specific language and take on language leads to a recognition that we are also made of others' languages and lifetimes. From our past. From our traditions. From others that surround us. A language amounts to collections of lifetimes. Literatures archive such collections, over time.
Christophe Lamiot Enos

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Joe Ross

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