Rayon Gestion des entreprises
Incubators of the world : best practices from top leaders : USA, Israel, Switzerland, China and Japan

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 243 pages
Poids : 392 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 24cm
ISBN : 978-2-7440-6459-3
EAN : 9782744064593

Incubators of the world

best practices from top leaders
USA, Israel, Switzerland, China and Japan

Collection(s) | Village mondial
Paru le
Broché 243 pages
preface by Laurent Maruani

Quatrième de couverture

This book explores how new ideas can be transformed into successful businesses, through the nurturing of Business Incubators.

But what is a Business Incubator? The answers come from experts from ESCP Europe, a leading business management institution in Europe, and from the Arthur D. Little consulting firm. The two have joined forces to publish this wide-ranging, detailed account of how and where in the world the concept works best.

Start-up companies cobbled together by young entrepreneurs are placed under one roof in order to share services and resources. This allows them to play major roles in IT, life sciences, industry and a host of other fields in both developing and developed countries.

How does Business Incubation (BI) work? How do young entrepreneurs, often operating on a shoestring, succeed in attracting major financing from the public or private sectors, or from public-private-partnerships (PPPs)? Some make it all the way to the stock market, while others crash.

Never before has global Bl been so well documented in a single book. This is a must-read for all those already involved in making the world a bigger and better, and perhaps more profitable place, and also for those about to graduate and seeking to take the next step.


Dr. Daniel Rouach is Professor at ESCP Europe and co-Director of the specialized masters program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He is a visiting professor at the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology). Dr. Rouach leads the Group Technology & Innovation Lab, a research center specializing in identifying and promulgating best practices for technology and innovation management.

Steeve Louzoun is an expert in strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship. He runs Jubinov, an innovation start-up with several patents. He teaches courses in strategy and international consulting at ESCP Europe and is a former strategy consultant at Arthur D. Little.

François Deneux is a director at Arthur D. Little, and is head of Strategy and Organization in the Paris office of the company. He has worked a great deal on start-ups and cluster development with a focus on linking strategy, technology and innovation to deliver sustainable results (the mission of Arthur D. Little). François Deneux has also launched two biotech companies.

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