Rayon Gestion des entreprises
Innovation based competition and design systems dynamics : lessons from French Innovative firms and organizational issues for the next Decade

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 350 pages
Poids : 496 g
Dimensions : 14cm X 22cm
EAN : 9782738495747

Innovation based competition and design systems dynamics

lessons from French Innovative firms and organizational issues for the next Decade

Collection(s) | Economiques
Paru le
Broché 350 pages

Quatrième de couverture

The innovation imperative has never been more critical. The last decade has seen a spectacular growth of innovation-based competition. Why and how do intensive innovation strategies emerge and develop in various sectors ? Who are the key economic players in this ongoing transition ? How do they combine product development focus with pre- and cross-project knowledge management ? How do they transform the internal organization as well as their relationships with partners in order to implement these strategies ? What technologies and management tools can adress the new challenges ? How do companies redefine competencies and professions involved in innovation and design activities ? How can incentives and remuneration systems be taylored to the specificities of innovation performance ?

For several years, Management Research Center CRG (Centre de recherche en gestion de l'Ecole polytechnique) has been tackling these issues through longitudinal in-depth field studies, analyzing the <> in progress by taking part in organizational learning processes within French leading firms.

This book explores a large variety of contexts : from automobile constructor-suppliers co-design, construction business, transnational missile projects, science-based pharmaceutics, chemical and steel industry to clothing and artistic activities. Such diversity emphasizes the commonalities as well as the specificities in the change process conducted to attain new models for innovation and design systems.

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