Rayon Droit public
Iris spécial. Searching for audiovisual content

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 90 pages
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 21cm X 30cm
ISBN : 978-92-871-6559-6
EAN : 9789287165596

Searching for audiovisual content

Série | Iris spécial
Paru le
Broché 90 pages

Quatrième de couverture

What can you expect from IRIS Special in terms of content ?

IRIS Special is a series of publications from the European Audiovisual Observatory that provides you comprehensive factual information coupled with in-depth analysis. The themes chosen for IRIS Special are all topical issues in media law, which we explore for you from a legal perspective. IRIS Special's approach to its content is tri-dimensional, with overlap in some cases, depending on the theme. It offers:

  1. a detailed survey of relevant national legislation to facilitate comparison of the legal position in different countries, for example IRIS Special: Broadcasters' Obligations to Invest in Cinematographic Production describes the rules applied by 34 European states;
  2. identification and analysis of highly relevant issues, covering legal developments and trends as well as suggested solutions: for example IRIS Special, Audiovisual Media Services without Frontiers - Implementing the Rules offers a forward-looking analysis that will continue to be relevant long after the adoption of the EC Directive;
  3. an outline of the European or international legal context influencing the national legislation, for example IRIS Special: To Have or Not to Have - Must-carry Rules explains the European model and compares it with the American approach.

What is the source of the IRIS Special expertise ?

Every edition of IRIS Special is produced by the European Audiovisual Observatory's legal information department in cooperation with its partner organisations and an extensive network of experts in media law.

The themes are either discussed at invitation-only workshops or tackled by selected quest authors. Workshop participants and authors are chosen in order to represent a wide range of professional, academic, national and cultural backgrounds.

IRIS Special - unique added value

IRIS Special publications explore selected legal themes in a way that makes them accessible not just to lawyers. Every edition combines a high level of practical relevance with academic rigour.

While IRIS Special concentrates on issues and interactions within Europe, it takes a broader geographical scope when the theme so requires.

Who needs to read IRIS Special?

If you hold a position of responsibility in the media industry, particularly cinema, broadcasting or new media, if you work for a specialised law firm, for a regulatory authority or in media and cultural policy making, or if media studies is your academic discipline, then the IRIS Special series is a must for you.

Avis des lecteurs

Cartographie de la réglementation et des procédures d'évaluation concernant

Iris spécial. Pluralisme des médias et enjeux de la concurrence

Focus 2021 : world film market trends. Focus 2021 : tendances du marché mon

Iris spécial. Medienberichterstattung bei Wahlen : der rechtliche Rahmen in

Iris spécial. Regionales und lokales Fernsehen in Europa

IRIS plus, n° 4 (2010). Public service media

Annuaire statistique 2001 : cinéma, télévision, vidéo et nouveaux médias en

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