Rayon Conditions et politique économiques selon les pays
Les trajectoires de l'innovation technologique et la construction européenne : des voies de structuration durable ?. Trends in technological innovation and the European construction : the emerging of enduring dynamics ?

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 259 pages
Poids : 362 g
Dimensions : 15cm X 22cm
ISBN : 978-90-5201-605-4
EAN : 9789052016054

Les trajectoires de l'innovation technologique et la construction européenne

des voies de structuration durable ?

Collection(s) | Euroclio
Paru le
Broché 259 pages

Quatrième de couverture

Ostensibly the European integration process has been interconnected ! with science and technology only in the last decade. On the other hand, since the 1950s EEC member states and would-be members have been engaged in several projects and attempts to cooperate in science and technology. National governments not only chose the intergovernmental way, but also tried to take advantage of the communitarian framework.

These attempts produced some successes inside the EEC including the European Commission's framework programme. Apart from some projects discussed at EEC level on automobile standardisation, nuclear energy and supplies during the oil crisis, European coopération in aircraft or electric power was successfully experimented but outside the communitarian networks.

These experiences and debates on a European techno-scientific construction encountered competition from across the Atlantic as well as within Europe. As the most recent developments seem to prove, the European Union has to play a role of technological innovator. Thanks to a transnational and interdisciplinary historical approach, are we able to suggest which role, and following which trends ?


Christophe Bouneau est professeur d'histoire économique contemporaine à l'Université de Bordeaux et directeur de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme d'Aquitaine (MSHA). Il est spécialiste de l'histoire des réseaux techniques et de l'énergie, du développement régional, de l'innovation et du tourisme, et codirige un programme international de recherches sur « Les trajectoires de l'innovation ». Il a publié notamment Les réseaux électriques au coeur de la civilisation industrielle (2007).

David Burigana has a masters in contemporary history (La Sorbonne-Paris IV, 1997) and a PhD in history of international relations (Firenze, 2002), and has held research fellowships at IHEEE (University of Strasbourg III, 2005) and at the University of Padua (2006-2011) and a visiting professorship at the University of Toulouse 2 (2010). He is the author of Armi e Diplomazia. L'Unione Sovietica e le origini della Seconda Guerra Mondiale (1919-39) (2006). His research interests are in diplomacy and civil and military technological coopération.

Antonio Varsori is Full Professor of the History of International Relations at the University of Padua, where he is also the Head of the Department of International Studies, and he is author of La Cenerentola d'Europa ? L'Italia e t'integrazione europea dal 1946 a oggi (2010), and with Wolfram Kaiser (eds.), European Union History. Thèmes and debates (2010).

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