Rayon Littérature française
Letter to Tita. Vol. 1

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 105 pages
Poids : 150 g
Dimensions : 14cm X 22cm
ISBN : 978-2-343-00482-2
EAN : 9782343004822

Letter to Tita. Vol. 1

Série | Lettre à Tita
Collection(s) | Lettres camerounaises
Paru le
Broché 105 pages

Quatrième de couverture

Letter to Tita

Volume 1

Coming out of the womb of the culture of the people of the equatorial forest, Letter to Tita is a concentrate of wisdom that lets out capital information on the wealth of an African cultural héritage that is dying. It is an alarm bell through which the author brings out, with dexterity, the clichés of this Africa, the great, pure, traditional and nostalgie, which is breaking up for the profit of références coming from other places and to the detriment of her own values which were once sacred. A trapped Africa, which has become the avatar of a degrading syncretism in the name of a sacrosanct idea of « globalisation ». A globalisation tailored according to the objectives of its genitors.

Zilan-village which is described in here is by that fact a piece of life, a symbol village that sends out through Edima the distress cry of a continent that openly laminates its cultural substratum, and which has to reconsider its parameters of capitalization of foreign values.

Conceived in two volumes, the first one is a nostalgie description, of a daily atmosphère of « that large village buried away in the equatorial forest » before the intrusion of foreign habits and customs, « at that time » when nature and man still lived in mutualism.

Nobody will read this volume without desiring to read it again and crush a tear on the multidimensional wealth of that Africa of our parents and grandparents, today in difficulty faced with that pitiless globalization and unconcerned about the whining of the « losers » and the rejected.


Jeanne Marie Rosette Abou'ou was born on August 14th 1969 at Sangmelima, South Region of Cameroon. Holder of a Masters Degree in Political Sciences, Guidance Counsellor from the Higher Teacher's Training College of Yaounde and graduate from CRADAT (DESS/ GRH), she is moreover a holder of a double certificate from ENA of Paris in « Management of Human Resources and Management in Public Service » then in « Conception and Evaluation of Public Policies ».

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Du même auteur : Jeanne Marie Rosette Abou'ou

Lettre à Tita. Vol. 1

Lettre à Tita. Vol. 2

Letter to Tita. Vol. 2