Rayon Administration territoriale
Local government in France

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 201 pages
Poids : 282 g
Dimensions : 14cm X 22cm
EAN : 9782110048707

Local government in France

Paru le
Broché 201 pages
traduit du français par Mary et Anne Stevens
Public motivé

Quatrième de couverture

France has always sought a middle way between the trend towards local freedoms and respect for national unity. A complex administrative edifice has thus been built up through juxtaposition of three levels of local government (communes, départements, régions) without any form of hierarchy : it may be difficult for anybody to untangle their different roles in the general administration of the country.

This book describes the organisation of local authorities, their powers and means. Topics discussed include the basic principles of decentralisation in France, the financial resources of local authorities and the structures of co-operation within local government.

Avis des lecteurs

La administracion francesa y la Union europea

Las entidades locales francesas

L'administration française et l'Union européenne

The French political system

L'Année administrative 86

The French Administration and the European Union

Die französische Verwaltung und die Europäische Union

The French civil service

La Télévision des Européens

L'administration publique des pays francophones à l'aube des années 2000