Rayon Architecture selon les pays
London deco

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Poids : 625 g
Dimensions : 26cm X 33cm
ISBN : 978-1-907704-64-2
EAN : 9781907704642

London deco

Paru le

Quatrième de couverture

From Battersea Power Station's 78,500 bricks to the Michelin Building's beautiful stained glass window, the distinct and idiosyncratic style of London's Art Deco architecture has been meticulously illustrated in this giant concertina format.


London Deco is the culmination of 1,200 hours of painstaking work by French artist and illustrator Thibaud Hérem. With short, contextual passages on the reverse side, this 3-metre-long frieze shows the capital's most iconic Art Deco buildings in minute detail.

London Deco was drawn in its entirety with a Rapidograph black ink pen.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Thibaud Hérem

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