Rayon Préhistoire
Mimo. Vol. 1. On the dinosaur trail

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 62 pages
Poids : 174 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 22cm
ISBN : 979-10-90093-12-6
EAN : 9791090093126

On the dinosaur trail

Série | Mimo
Paru le
Broché 62 pages
drawings by Mazan
translated by Rudolf Abraham
A partir de 8 ans

Quatrième de couverture

The paleontological site of Angeac-Charente

Angeac-Charente : today a charming little village lost in the Charente countryside, 130 million years ago a place teeming with prehistoric life.... It is here that the longest femur yet discovered anywhere in the world was recently unearthed, and over a thousand other bones have also been discovered at the site so far.

Journey back in time to the Charente of 130 million years ago, and enjoy the humorous adventures of Mimo and his friend Hector, two brave - and to their families, rather unusual looking - little dinosaurs. Discover the fascinating prehistoric fauna of this region in an illustrated bestiary. And follow the story of the discovery of what promises to be one of the largest dinosaur deposits in Europe, and the spectacular finds of the excavations there in 2010 and 2011, as they unfold in the pages of celebrated French comic strip artist Mazan's sketchbook.

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