Rayon Musées et collections
Museum of fine arts : handbook

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 92 pages
Poids : 170 g
Dimensions : 14cm X 20cm
ISBN : 978-2-35125-206-2
EAN : 9782351252062

Museum of fine arts


Collection(s) | Le guide
Paru le
Broché 92 pages

Quatrième de couverture

From Giotto to Courbet, the Strasbourg Museum of Fine Arts presents a fascinating panorama of the history of painting in Europe from its beginnings to 1870. Located on the first floor of the Palais Rohan, it takes visitors on a journey through the centuries, artistic centres and pictorial genres. There are works by many of the great painters, including Memling, Botticelli, Raphael, Veronese, El Greco, Rubens, Van Dyck, Vouet, Champaigne, Canaletto, Tiepolo, Goya, Corot, Delacroix and Chassériau, but also by less famous but equally captivating artists. The museum's prodigious number of European still lifes and its own Mona Lisa, Largilliere's La Belle Strasbourgeoise, alone are worth mentioning.

Avis des lecteurs

De main de maîtres : éloge de la main en peinture

Cinq siècles de peinture : le Musée des beaux-arts de Strasbourg

Museum für bildende Kunst : Führer

Peinture flamande et hollandaise : XVe-XVIIIe siècle

De Giotto à Goya : peintures italiennes et espagnoles du Musée des beaux-ar

Musée des beaux-arts : guide