Rayon Sports équestres
Of horses and men : the art of tbourida in Morocco

Fiche technique

Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 187 pages
Poids : 1804 g
Dimensions : 30cm X 28cm
ISBN : 978-9920-560-22-1
EAN : 9789920560221

Of horses and men

the art of tbourida in Morocco

Collection(s) | Culture & patrimoine
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Relié 187 pages
photography Yassine Toumi, Yoriyas
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Quatrième de couverture

« The tbourida has the particularity of having three aspects; of being both an art of war (means and processes), ars in the Latin sense of the term (shill, technique) and simply art, in the sense that it provides real aesthetic pleasure. It is no surprise that it constitutes an essential element of the intangible heritage of Morocco. »

Fouad Laroui, awarded the Prix Goncourt and the Grande Médaille of the Académie Française, has been fascinated by tbourida since he first discovered it as a child at the Moussem of Moulay Abdellah Amghar. Here he puts pen to paper to do justice to his lifelong passion.

Avis des lecteurs

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