Rayon Défense du territoire
Officers and soldiers of the french army, 1939-40 : the metropolitan troops, the african and levant special troops, the colonial troops, the Air Force, the Navy

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 66 pages
Poids : 290 g
Dimensions : 20cm X 24cm
ISBN : 978-2-35250-179-4
EAN : 9782352501794

Officers and soldiers of the french army, 1939-40

the metropolitan troops, the african and levant special troops, the colonial troops, the Air Force, the Navy

Collection(s) | Officers and soldiers
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Broché 66 pages
translated from the french by Alan McKay
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Quatrième de couverture

This, the thirteenth book in the "officers and soldiers" collection, shows the French Army during the Phoney War and the French Campaign in May-June 1940. Continuing the work - started two years ago by André Jouineau in the two volumes dealing with the 1914-1918 armies - given over to an almost exhaustive survey of French Army uniforms and outfits during the two World Wars, this volume shows almost sixty colour plates with no less than 300 uniforms, several dozen insignia and equipment illustrations.

Particular attention has been paid to the description of the combat groups and the servants of the unit weapons. Shown are the uniforms of the Military Academies, the HQ Staff, the Infantry, the Fortress Infantry, the Mountain Infantry, the Chasseurs à Pied, the Chasseurs Alpins, the Corps Francs, the Narvik troops, the Cuirassiers, the Motorised and Mechanised Dragoons, the Hussars, the Chasseurs à Cheval, the Armoured Car Regiments, the Groupes de Reconnaissance, the Artillery, the Tanks, the Engineers, the Paris Firemen, the Gendarmerie, the Train, the Medical Corps, the Administration Services, the Zouaves, the Tirailleurs, the Foreign Legion, the Spahis, the Chasseurs d'Afrique, the Saharan companies, the Levant Special Troops, the Colonial Troops, the Air Force and the Navy.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : André Jouineau

La Légion étrangère : 1831-962, "Français par le sang versé"

Les Suisses au service de la France : 1715-1820, un siècle de dévouement

Chars B au combat : hommes et matériels du 15e BCC

Hommes et ouvrages de la ligne Maginot. Vol. 4. La fortification alpine

Eylau-Friedland : the Polish Campaign

Officers and Soldiers of the French Imperial Guard. Vol. 1. The Foot Soldie

Les jets allemands de la Seconde Guerre mondiale