Fiche technique
Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 82 pages
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 24cm X 33cm
EAN : 9782841500024
6th june 1944, freedom
Quatrième de couverture
A landings on the coasts of Western Europe. This operation has to "carry" the war close to the German borders and relieve the Soviet Union, which has supported the weight of a gigantic offensive of the Nazi German armies all by itself.
For Operation Overlord, codename for the landings, to succeed, the most important air and naval fleets of all times had to be mobilized, new vehicles and arms had to be invented, artificial ports had to be made and even an undersea pipeline constructed...
But above all a breach had to be opened in the fearsome German coastal defense system - the Atlantic Wall - so as to "launch" hundreds of thousands of soldiers on D-Day.
On 6th June 1944, hope is reborn...