Rayon Poésie
Poems that look just like poems

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 132 pages
Poids : 124 g
Dimensions : 12cm X 19cm
ISBN : 979-10-240-1269-8
EAN : 9791024012698

Poems that look just like poems

Collection(s) | Jusqu'à = To
Paru le
Broché 132 pages

Quatrième de couverture

A startlingly direct, clear look at daily experience, including the graceful changes of direction in consciousness. At once a spiritual journal and a pared down writing that arises, in part, from years of Zen meditation, Lazer's book continues an American tradition of spiritual accounting : the sacred, the holy, and the mysterious emerging from daily experience. These poems have an inviting simplicity to them. They are poems that reward re-reading.

Hank Lazer is the author of thirty books of poetry - most recently Slowly Becoming Awake (N32) - and three volumes of essays. His poems have been translated into French, Chinese, Italian, and Spanish.

Avis des lecteurs

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