Rayon Langues vivantes (langues, littérature et civilisation)
Poverty and inequality in Great-Britain, 1942-1990 : Capes, agrégation d'anglais

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 198 pages
Poids : 294 g
Dimensions : 15cm X 23cm
EAN : 9782864603979

Poverty and inequality in Great-Britain, 1942-1990

Capes, agrégation d'anglais

Paru le
Broché 198 pages

Quatrième de couverture

In 1945 many thought that the Welfare State world eradicate poverty in Britain. In the 1960s researchers showed that this was far from the case. New efforts were made to secure a satisfactory standard of living for all, but this was never fully achieved. In the 1980s things worsened for the poor as the gap between the affluent and the deprived widened.

This book traces the evolution from 1945 to 1990. It also analyses the concepts used (absolute poverty, relative poverty, deprivation, social exclusion) and examines who are the poor. Finally two major social inequalities are studied, health and education.


Monica Charlot is Professor of British Politics at the Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris III) and a Research Fellow of Warcester College (Oxford). Her most recent books include Le Pouvoir politique en Grande-Bretagne (Presses Universitaires de France, 1998) and with Claire Charlot, Les Institutions politiques du Royaume Uni (Nathan, 1999). Professor Charlot is currently writing a general history of Britain.

Avis des lecteurs

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