Rayon Vie politique
Putin, game master ?

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 275 pages
Poids : 357 g
Dimensions : 14cm X 21cm
ISBN : 978-2-315-01041-7
EAN : 9782315010417

Putin, game master ?

Paru le
Broché 275 pages

Quatrième de couverture

Putin : game master ?

Has Vladimir Putin become the master of the game ? Why and how did the Russian president decide to attack Ukraine ? Has he tried to prevent Ukraine from joining Europe ? Is he trying to reconstitute the USSR ? Did NATO promise not to expand eastwards after 1990 ?

Using intelligence files and official reports, Jacques Baud reviews the events in Russia's recent history that led to the war with Ukraine. He analyses the conflict between Russia and the West and sheds light on Putin's role on the international scene.

His work responds to topical questions, which facilitates access to a balanced explanation of events by shedding light on them that is sometimes very different from that disseminated by the mainstream media.


Jacques Baud was a member of the Swiss strategic intelligence. A specialist in Eastern Europe and head of the UN peace operations doctrine, he was involved in negotiations with the highest Russian military and intelligence officials just after the fall of the USSR. Within NATO, he followed the Ukrainian crisis of 2014, and later participated in assistance programmes to Ukraine. He is the author of several books on intelligence, war and terrorism, in particular Governing by Fake News, The Navalny Affair and Operation Z, published by Max Milo.

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