Rayon Biologie et écologie des milieux
Radioactive pollutants : impact on the environment : based on invited papers at the ECORAD 2001 International Conference

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : XXI-344 pages
Poids : 655 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 24cm
EAN : 9782868835444

Radioactive pollutants

impact on the environment
based on invited papers at the ECORAD 2001 International Conference

Collection(s) | Collection IPSN
Paru le
Broché XXI-344 pages

Quatrième de couverture

Since the early forties, radioecology has, often in an emergency situation, been faced with the need to evaluate the impact that the military or civil use of nuclear energy has had on the environment. Radioecology developed in parallel with other ecological disciplines especially ecotoxicology, in part through the use of tracers. Radioecologists have aimed to understand processes controlling the environmental transfer of radionuclides and to integrate them into predictive models and engineering and restoration techniques. Experience of providing radioecological methods to mitigate the effects of accidents has emphasized the importance of the concept of sustainable development. It has also contributed to the recognition of a second key concept, the precautionary principle, and its practical application in the environment.

On the threshold of the 21st century, radioecologists have needed to take stock of the situation and to widen their perspectives by gathering in a worldwide assembly at the ECORAD 2001 Conference. This book collates a series of invited contributions which reflect on on-going discussions and provide reviews of the most up-to-date scientific and technical information regarding continental and estuarine environments. Within this context, and further to defining the current state of the art, the papers also identify possible research themes for the future along with scientific and ethical issues which are becoming increasingly important in response to public concern with respect to environmental radioprotection.


François Bréchignac, Deputy Head of the IPSN Division for Laboratory Radioecological Research and Studies at Cadarache, France, has particularly promoted controlled experimental approaches in radioecology with the aim of unravelling transfer processes and mechanistic modelling developments. He is currently a corresponding member of the ICRP Task Group on Environmental Radioprotection.

Brenda J. Howard is the leader of the radioecology section at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology at Merlewood Research Station, UK. She is a long-standing radioecologist having contributed to investigations in both continental and arctic environments with particular achievements in radionuclide transfer to animals.

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