Rayon Les peintres
Renoir in Paris

Fiche technique

Format : Cartonné
Nb de pages : 32 pages
Poids : 220 g
Dimensions : 20cm X 17cm
ISBN : 978-2-916378-49-7
EAN : 9782916378497

Renoir in Paris

Collection(s) | Monographies citadines
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Cartonné 32 pages

Quatrième de couverture

Renoir in Paris reveals a completely different painter from the one who painted the figures and nudes with which he is all too often associated. The landscape artist discovered himself in the views of the capital which he painted between 1867 and 1895, firstly, as a young artist looking for his voice among the picturesque solutions of his elders, then as a critic of Haussmann's transformation of old Paris, always consistently wishing to draw an idyllic society in which each individual has a place. Among these paintings are some of his masterpieces, such as Bal du moulin de la Galette and Le Déjeuner des canotiers.


Art historian, expert in paintings and exhibition curator, since 2005, Bruno Delarue has devoted himself for writing about the artistic and social history of seaside regions as an author and publisher.

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