Rayon Adolescents ( à partir de 13 ans)

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 125 pages
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 13cm X 21cm
EAN : 9781932983043


Collection(s) | Babel library
Paru le
Broché 125 pages
illustrations Stephan Martiniere
A partir de 13 ans

Quatrième de couverture

Babel Library

Babel Library books feature the same text at the same place in two languages on facing pages. The reader can read the language he is trying to learn, but when he loses his place, he can look to the exact same spot on the opposite page written in English.

Without resorting to a dictionary, the needed word or phrase is there and he can speedily move on. It's simple, it's efficient, it's entertaining.

Robonocchio is the classic Collodi tale recast in modern terms : a robot boy, built for an amusement park owned by the evil conglomerate Amalgamated Behemoth, is brought to life by a whimsical blue alien.

He and his designer must escape from the villains'evil clutches.


J.-M. & Randy Lofficier are the award-winning writers of numerous comic books including Superman and Doctor Strange. They co-authored the children's novelization of The Great Mouse Detective and penned episodes of Duck Tales and Real Ghostbusters.

Stephan Martiniere is the award-winning director of the Madeline animated series and the artist behind the Where's Waldo strip.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Jean-Marc Lofficier

Crépuscule vaudou

Tongue-Lash. Vol. 1

Les survivants de l'humanité

Les Grands maîtres de l'insolite

Le Monde du garage hermétique. Vol. 3. Le Retour du jouk

Le Monde du garage hermétique. Vol. 1. Le Prince impensable

Witchblade : serment de sang

Robur. Vol. 1. De la Lune à la Terre

Robur. Vol. 3. Voyage au centre de la Lune

Le Monde du garage hermétique. Vol. 5. Le Seigneur d'Onyx

Du même auteur : Randy Lofficier

Tongue-Lash. Vol. 1

Les survivants de l'humanité

Witchblade : serment de sang

Robur. Vol. 1. De la Lune à la Terre

Robur. Vol. 3. Voyage au centre de la Lune

Brigade temporelle. Vol. 1. La guerre du Graal

Robur. Vol. 2. 20.000 ans sous les mers

