Rayon Patrimoine architectural
Senlis cathedral : Oise

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 32 pages
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 11cm X 23cm
EAN : 9782906340336

Senlis cathedral


Collection(s) | Itinéraires du patrimoine
Paru le
Broché 32 pages
text Dominique Vermand, Sandrine Platerier-Formentin
translation Diane Fowle
photography Thierry Lefébure, Dominique Vermand, Christian David et al.
graphics Stéphane Gonet
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Quatrième de couverture

The cathedral of Notre-Dame at Senlis dates from the third quarter of the 12th century, a period when the royal city of Senlis enjoyed « a golden age ». Considerably altered in the 13th and 16th centuries, the fairly small cathedral is less well known than some of the other Gothic cathedrals. Although lacking the harmonious homogeneity of Novon or Laon, its contemporaries, or the vast scale of Amiens, Senlis Cathedral is nevertheless an important building containing examples of all styles of Gothic architecture. In addition, recent cleaning has highlighted its decoration and it houses a rich collection of furnishings, spanning all periods of history of art. With its contemporary works of art, stained-glass windows and high altar, the cathedral is also a living monument.

Avis des lecteurs

Laon, ville haute : Aisne

La basilique de Saint-Quentin

Le grand Creillois industriel : architecture et patrimoine

Eglises et chapelles des XIXe et XXe siècles, Amiens métropole

La cathédrale Notre-Dame de Senlis : Oise

Architectures de la reconstruction dans l'est de la Somme : Picardie

Amiens : les verrières de la cathédrale

La Thiérache, Aisne : sur une frontière de la France

Die Kathedrale Notre-Dame in Senlis : Oise

La cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Beauvais : Oise