Rayon Psychanalyse
Series. Vol. 2. Psychopathology of melancholy. The flights of events

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 342 pages
Poids : 525 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 23cm
ISBN : 978-2-9573954-1-5
EAN : 9782957395415

The flights of events

Paru le
Broché 342 pages
translated from French by Marie-Joe Eid
Public motivé

Quatrième de couverture

Psychopathology of melancholia Series

The Flight of Events is a work on altruistic anguishes in manic-depressive suicides. But, more than the suicidal act itself, we are interested in the psychic processes that precede it, and which are present between the decision and the act.

If we take into account these moments preceding the suicidal act - during critical episodes that are not delusional, hallucinatory or passage to the act, but which are sometimes assimilated to psychotic moments, where there is a discontinuity or a radical, albeit momentary, rupture in the link to the Other -, we see that there are events that happen to the subject without him or her being able to decide. In the course of these uncontrolled intersubjective events, which follow one another in a metonymic flight, the subject suffers from a tendency to undergo the acts that he himself makes others perform.

In this flight of events, it's not quite true that the subject is fleeing from the events of his life; rather, the events themselves are fleeing.


PhD in Psychology (1999), PhD in Psychoanalysis (1989), German Arce Ross is psychoanalyst and clinical psychologist. A former member of the Ecole de la Cause Freudienne and of the World Association of Psychoanalysis from 1997 to 2021, member of the Évolution Psychiatrique since 2001 and of the Société Médico-Psychologique since. 2016, he practices in Paris since 1989.
German Arce Ross is also a former teacher at the Psychoanalysis Department - University Paris VIII, at the Laboratory of Clinical Psychology - University Rennes II, and at the Psychological Sciences Department - University Paris X.
He has written a considerable amount of articles in French, Belgian, Italian, Russian and Brazilian journals. He has also written books such as Manic, mélancolie et facteurs blancs in 2009, La Fuite des événements in 2016, and Jouissance identitaire dans la civilisation in 2020.

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