Rayon Histoire
Strasbourg, the key to Europe : a funny old tale, e komischi gschìcht

Fiche technique

Format : Cartonné
Nb de pages : 48 pages
Poids : 590 g
Dimensions : 24cm X 33cm
ISBN : 978-2-7468-3465-1
EAN : 9782746834651

Strasbourg, the key to Europe

a funny old tale, e komischi gschìcht

Paru le
Cartonné 48 pages
drawings and colours Abel François
translation Amy Brutton
published by the Fondation pour Strasbourg

Quatrième de couverture

The history of Strasbourg from roman times to the present day, take a journey through time with our two colourful protagonists : the beautiful liesel, whose bronze statue graces Strasbourg's parc de l'orangerie ; and publius modestus, the roman artisan whose tomb was discovered by archeologists in 2016.

At times enlightened, at times naive, but always endearing... Our two heroes draw us deep into the past of a town whose 2000-year evolution has earned it an unrivalled position at the very heart of modern-day Europe.

Avis des lecteurs

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