Supports-surfaces : a moment-a movement

Fiche technique

Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 118 pages
Poids : 690 g
Dimensions : 23cm X 23cm
Date de parution :
ISBN : 978-2-916373-71-3
EAN : 9782916373713


a moment-a movement

chez Ceysson-Editions d'Art

Collection(s) : 22 x 22

Paru le | Relié 118 pages

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foreword by Joe Fyfe | translation Rachel Stella

Quatrième de couverture


An introduction to Supports/Surfaces

Supports/Surfaces, the last avant-garde of Western art ? Perhaps. Unlike other advanced movements since abstraction, Supports/Surfaces neither proposed not announced the « end of art ». These artists aspired not so much to return to a primitive literalism as to find recourse, at modernism's end, in the constitutive principles of the work of art. This intent conducted them to articulate their practice around theoretical reflections that bear comparaison with contemporaneous movements such as Minimal art, Arte Povera or Mono-Ha. As one of the major movements of the 60s and 70s in France, on the cusp between modernity and postmodernity, Supports/Surfaces has not receded into history but rather offers a fascinating example to younger artists the world over.