Rayon Commerce, gestion, comptabilité
Talent management : post-crisis management

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : VI-218 pages
Poids : 268 g
Dimensions : 14cm X 22cm
ISBN : 978-2-10-057303-5
EAN : 9782100573035

Talent management

post-crisis management

Collection(s) | Management sup
Paru le
Broché VI-218 pages

Quatrième de couverture

Talent Management could very soon replace traditional Human Resource Management within companies. This book explores this new concept and questions the progressive drift from one notion to the other. Talent is a unique combination of various outstanding skills. Companies are doing their best to attract, retain and make talents effective in the turbulent context of business in a global economy. The book provides the cultural and business context of "talent". After exploring what talent management concretely means in terms of policies and practices, the HR professional and the scholar will have a clear picture of the potential opportunities and limits of talent management.


Cecile Dejoux is a senior lecturer and Ph.D supervisor at Cnam (Paris). Her teaching, research areas and training are HR and International Management. She has published several books and articles in academic reviews.

Web site: Ceciledejoux.com

Maurice Thevenet a professor at Essec Business School and Cnam (Paris). He is the author of numerous books and articles in management and Human Resource Management. He is an international speaker for many corporations.

Avis des lecteurs

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