Rayon Patrimoine architectural
The Archives nationales : the Marais quadrangle : Paris

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 79 pages
Poids : 166 g
Dimensions : 11cm X 23cm
ISBN : 978-2-7577-0878-1
EAN : 9782757708781

The Archives nationales

the Marais quadrangle

Collection(s) | Itinéraires du patrimoine
Paru le
Broché 79 pages

Quatrième de couverture

In the heart of the Marais, the urban quadrangle circumscribed by the Rue des Archives Rue des Quatre-Fils, Rue Vieille-du-Temple, and Rue des Francs-Bourgeois conceals, behind its façades, a complex ensemble of buildings, courtyards, pathways, and gardens that long remained secret. Princes and lords guarded their privacy there ; later, the Archives Nationales hid their precious papers there. The 3-hectare block - one of the jewels of the neighbourhood, protected since 1964 - features diverse constructions that overlap chronologically (from the 14th century to the 20th century) and functionally (from palace to archive repository). This site, fascinating and little-known, is now accessible to visitors.

The « Itinéraires » series, designed as a guide for cultural tourism, invites the visitor to discover the highways and byways of France's national heritage.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Sabine Meuleau

Les Archives nationales (en anglais) : le quadrilatère du Marais : Paris

Les Archives nationales : le quadrilatère du Marais : Paris

Les Archives nationales : le quadrilatère du Marais : Paris

Du même auteur : Régis Lapasin