Rayon Génétique
The ingenuity of genes : genomics dedicated to health and the environment

Fiche technique

Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 159 pages
Poids : 1110 g
Dimensions : 24cm X 28cm
ISBN : 978-2-7491-5588-3
EAN : 9782749155883

The ingenuity of genes

genomics dedicated to health and the environment

Paru le
Relié 159 pages
in collaboration with Jean-François Prud'homme
preface by Hervé Chneiweiss
illustrations Caroline Pochoy
English translation Elizabeth Hewes
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Quatrième de couverture

The ingenuity of genes

Genomics dedicated to health and the environment

It has been twenty years since the great programme for mapping and sequencing the human genome began. Since then, genes have slowly given up their secrets, enabling astonishing practical applications in human health and the environment to be envisaged. We are in the middle of a scientific revolution - genomics and the advent of biotechnology have led to the development of innovative therapies capable of fighting cancerous cells and healing a failing immune system by turn. These feats are now complemented by the rising phenomenon of predictive and personalised medicine and the arrival of new, more ecological industrial processes.

Understanding what genes are, or, better stilt, comprehending genomics and the emerging field of synthetic biology, is fundamental if we are to grasp the scale of the impact of recent great scientific advances. To get to the heart of these matters, the authors take us behind the scenes at Genopole, the first French biocluster and a major player in the formidable exploration of life, and introduce us to key researchers in the field.

The ingenuity of genes breathes life into the pages of this work, which unlocks our understanding of genetics and tackles the ethical and social questions posed by cutting-edge biotechnology.


Laurianne Geffroy is a scientific journalist. She works for numerous scientific media, particularly in the fields of biology and the environment.

Pierre Tambourin, a biologist, was CEO of Genopole (Évry) from its creation in 1998 up until 2016. He is a member of the National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF), and has collaborated on many publications on genetics, cancer and genomics. He contributed directly to the creation of the French Plan for Genomic Medicine 2025.

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