Rayon Politique et administration environnementales
The IPCC : a scientific body ?

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 137 pages
Poids : 250 g
Dimensions : 13cm X 20cm
ISBN : 978-2-930650-02-9
EAN : 9782930650029


a scientific body ?

Paru le
Broché 137 pages
preface by Henri Lepage
Public motivé

Quatrième de couverture

The ipcc : a scientific body ?

Resolutely against the grain, the author of this essay claims that the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is a fraud consisting in presenting an essentially political initiative as scientific, and that this fraud is the greatest in modem science due to its blinding and planetary success.

The essay also reads as an audacious lesson in rigor imparted by philosophy to science. The author suggests that the debate within the IPCC, which deals with the exact sciences, be distinguished from the debate on the IPCC, which is of an epistemological nature, that is to say institutional, logical, methodological.

« This absolutely remarkable text is exactly what was lacking in the debate on the IPCC. » Henri Lepage, economist

« A very interesting essay, particularly the analysis ofthe IPCC's composition and the misuse ofthe terni Science, » Guy Sorman, essayist

« This text is an absolute delight, a perfect analysis oflogic and of the motivations behind the scientific-political confusion and the tremendous mystification that followed » Henri Atlan, biologist and philosopher

« This essay is a brilliant exercise in mental hygiène and public health. » Mark Eyskens, former Belgian Prime Minister

« This book is excellent, very interesting and very important from a sociological standpoint. » Claude Allègre, scientist, former French Minister of National Education

« Drieu Godefridi's book is one of the most relevant publications I hâve read in thèse last few years. The great force of this excellent book is its brilliant défense of a provocative thesis in a perfectly balanced way. » Corentin de Salle, philosopher


Drieu Godefridi is a jurist and doctor of philosophy (Paris IV-Sorbonne) and recently the author of Le droit public (2009), « Arbitraire et droit dans l'Athènes antique » (Folia Electronica Classica, 2010) and La réalité augmentée (Texquis, 2011).

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