Rayon Les peuples, leurs modes de vie, leurs traditions
The little Oreteti : plants in the daily life of the Maasai

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 53 pages
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 25cm X 18cm
ISBN : 979-10-90855-04-5
EAN : 9791090855045

The little Oreteti

plants in the daily life of the Maasai

Paru le
Broché 53 pages
illustrations by Elisabeth Piquet
photography by Elza Kortenoever
A partir de 8 ans

Quatrième de couverture

'The little Oreteti, plants in the daily life of the Maasai' transcribes the oral Maasai tradition through the use, the value and the meaning of the most important wild plants in the every day life of the Maasai people. This book is meant for the Maasai youth and school children and for all the people who would like to have a glimpse into the richness of the Maasai flora and culture. 'The little Oreteti' might be an incentive to discover the more complete book called 'Oreteti' written by Kenny Matampash and Lucie Hubert, from which this smaller version has been drawn.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Kenny Matampash

Oreteti : plants in the dailylife of the Maasai

Du même auteur : Lucie Hubert

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Oreteti : plants in the dailylife of the Maasai