Rayon Edifices religieux
The Mont-Saint-Michel stone by stone

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 63 pages
Poids : 282 g
Dimensions : 20cm X 26cm
ISBN : 978-2-7373-6671-0
EAN : 9782737366710

The Mont-Saint-Michel stone by stone

Collection(s) | History
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Broché 63 pages
drawings by Maria-Luisa Levak
cut-away diagrams in colour by Robert-Henri Martin
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Quatrième de couverture

An outstanding natural site, a place heavy with spirituality and full of history, the Mont-Saint-Michel is also one of the most prodigious architectural créations of the middle ages.

Why, at the price of a myriad difficulties, did they build floor upon floor of halls and chapels on the steep slopes of a rock lost in the middle of the sands ?

By what miracle do these dizzy piled-up stuctures stay in equilibrium, despite the weight and the enormous thrust exerted by stone vaults built one over another, level upon level.

How did the builders, year after year, century after century, run this superhuman worksite, and always stay at the forefront of art and of technique ?

These are the questions that this book attempts to answer.


Marc Déceneux has a PhD in Art History and specialises in mediaeval architecture. He is the author of numerous scientific articles as well as several reference works published by Editions Ouest-France, including « Le Mont Saint-Michel, histoire d'un mythe », « La Bretagne romane » and « Romanesque La France romane ».

Maria-Luisa Levak is an architectural draughtswoman and cartographer. She has taken part, for a number of major publishing companies, in the illustration of technical, geographical and scholarly works.

Rohert-Henri Martin is a qualified architect (DPLG) with a passion for drawing. Today, he focuses primarily on his artwork. His signature style combines precision, poetry and technical skill and his favourite subjects are monuments and towns and cities.

Avis des lecteurs

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