Rayon Europe médiévale
The twilight of medieval castles

Fiche technique

Format : Cartonné
Nb de pages : 126 pages
Poids : 360 g
Dimensions : 23cm X 31cm
ISBN : 978-2-35250-069-8
EAN : 9782352500698

The twilight of medieval castles

Collection(s) | Fortresses
Paru le
Cartonné 126 pages
traduit du français par Laurence Brown
Tout public

Quatrième de couverture

After the last fires of the Hundred Years War had gone out, the lords of France changed nothing in their way of life. Neither did they, initially, change their building habits and they remained faithful to the austere, thick stone walls, with crenulated towers topped by machicolations and pepper pot roofs.

And yet, these fortresses built according to archaic models were no longer able to resist great campaign armies, powerful cannonades of constantly improved artillery and the general evolution in siege warfare. During the second half of the 15th century, the fortresses simply became the symbol of belonging to a social class, proud of its history but unsure of its future. Some fortresses now appeared to be simple stone challenges, issued by a nobility in search of its identity to a finally triumphant sovereign power.

This second volume of the « Fortresses » collection takes us to the dawn of the Renaissance, to witness the last glimmers of the fortresses twilight years.


Stephane William Gondom has written many articles on the medieval period, particularly for the following magazines : Historia, Histoire Médiévale, Histoire and Images Médiévales... He has also written several books, such as 1066, Guillaume Roi (Prix André Maurois 2003) and the Hundred Years War Castles, published in the same collection. He is, moreover, co-founder and editor of the Internet site www.richesheures.net devoted to French architectural heritage.

Avis des lecteurs

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