Rayon Jardin d'agrément
The Vasterival, the four-season garden : how to create beautiful borders for year-round interest

Fiche technique

Format : Relié sous jaquette
Nb de pages : 168 pages
Poids : 1103 g
Dimensions : 25cm X 25cm
ISBN : 978-2-84138-293-4
EAN : 9782841382934

The Vasterival, the four-season garden

how to create beautiful borders for year-round interest

Chez Ulmer

Paru le
Relié sous jaquette 168 pages
photographies Didier Willery
préface Roy Lancaster
traduit en anglais par Simon Garbutt
Tout public

Quatrième de couverture

Princess Sturdza's garden in Normandy, Le Vasterival, is one of the most beautiful in Europe, admired by garden-lovers from all around the worId.There, drawing on her great knowledge of plants, she has composed a landscape whose interest is constantly renewed with the changing seasons. Each individual border is a lesson in itself, an exceptional source of inspiration for ail keen gardeners, even those with limited planting space. The photographs, by Didier Willery, who has been recording these borders, season after season, for many years, reveal Princess Sturdza's skill.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Greta Sturdza

Le Vastérival : jardin d'une passion

Un jardin pour les quatre saisons : Le Vasterival ou l'art de créer des mas